Mayor & City Council

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Ivan Altamirano
Term Expires November 2026

Kevin Lainez
Vice Mayor
Term Expires November 2026

Hugo A. Argumedo
Hugo A. Argumedo
Term Expires November 2028

Mireya Garcia
Mireya Garcia
Term Expires November 2026

Oralia Rebollo
Oralia Y. Rebollo
Term Expires November 2028

The City Council strives to maintain municipal services as efficiently and economically as possible and to recognize the needs of the community by keeping its residents informed and involved in the City's decision-making process.

Mission Statement

The City of Commerce is dedicated to providing the finest in municipal services as sensitively, courteously, efficiently, and effectively as possible to ensure the well being of the residential and industrial communities and to respond to the needs of the people.


The City Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 5655 Jillson Street.


Select a councilmember to learn more:

Altamirano, IvanMayorCity Council(323) 722-4805
Lainez, KevinVice MayorCity Council(323) 722-4805
Argumedo, Hugo A.CouncilmemberCity Council(323) 722-4805
Garcia, MireyaCouncilmemberCity Council(323) 722-4805
Rebollo, Oralia Y.CouncilmemberCity Council(323) 722-4805


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