Commerce, CA
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RFP - Call for Artists - Addendum 1
RFP - Call for Artists - Addendum 2
RFP - Call for Artists - Addendum 3
RFP - Call for Artist Crosswalk Art Program
Construction Notice to Residents and Businesses
September 3, 2024
SUBJECT: City of Commerce - Mixmaster Street Widening Project
The City of Commerce has awarded a construction contract, Mixmaster Street Widening Project in the City of Commerce to Excel Paving Company. The scope of this project entails the Street Widening at the South East Corner of Atlantic Blvd and Telegraph Rd., removal and replacement of misc. concrete including sidewalks, curbs, and pavement, and striping on Telegraph Rd. This work is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, September 3, 2024 and will be performed on nights of weekdays between 8:00pm and 6:00am. The entire project is scheduled to be completed in April 2025.
Every effort will be made on the part of Excel Paving Co. and the City to minimize your inconvenience during construction; however, your cooperation and patience is appreciated to reduce the time of such inconvenience as much as possible.
TRAFFIC IMPACT: During construction, traffic lanes will be reduced to provide adequate construction working zone. Detours will be posted in advance prior to any closures.
VEIDCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ACCESS: Access to affected properties
will be maintained at all times, except when necessary as construction precludes such access for reasonable periods of time. Likewise, safe and adequate pedestrian access will be provided.
Excel Paving Co. is committed to improving your community and requests your cooperation and patience to help ensure that the best possible job is done in the shortest possible time.
If you have any questions or should a problem arise as a result of construction activity, please contact Excel Paving's project foreman, Luis Madrigal at (562) 843-1855, or the City Inspector, Craig Wheeler at (949) 375-7251.
Excel Paving Company
3 de septiembre del 2024
SUBYUGADO: Ciudad de Commerce - Proyecto de Ampliacion De La Calle Mix.master
La ciudad de Commerce ha adjudicado el contrato, Proyecto de Ampliaci6n De La Calle Mixmaster en la ciudad de Commerce a la compafiia Excel Paving Company. Este proyecto implica la ampliacion de ca1le ubicada en la esquina sur este de Atlantic Blvd y Telegraph Rd. Tambien implicara el remplazo de acera incluyendo curvas, banquetas, y el pavimento y rayas de calle ubicadas en Telegraph Rd. Este trabajo esta programado empezar, martes, 3 de septiembre del 2024 en las noches entre semana de 8pm a 6am. El proyecto completo esta programado terminar en abril del 2025.
La compafiia Excel Paving Company y la ciudad haran cada esfuerzo para minimizar su inconveniencia durante la construcci6n. Sin embargo, su cooperaci6n y paciencia seran agradecidas para reducir el tiempo de inconveniencia lo mas posible.
IMPACTO DE TRAFICO: Durante la construcci6n, los carriles de trafico seran reducidos para proveer una zona de construcci6n adecuada. Los desvios seran publicados antes de cualquier cierre.
ACCESO DE VEHICULOS Y PEA TONES: El acceso a las entradas residenciales y comerciales se mantendran, excepto cuando sea necesario ya que la construcci6n impedira dicho acceso por periodos de ·tiempo razonables. Igualmente se proveera un acceso peatonal seguro y adecuado.
Excel Paving Company esta comprometido a mejorar su comunidad, y pide su cooperaci6n y paciencia para ayudar a asegurar que el mejor trabajo posible sea completado en el tiempo mas corto posible.
Si usted tiene cualquier pregunta, o si surge algun problema como resultado de la construcci6n, por favor contacte al capataz del proyecto empleado por Excel Paving company, Luis Madrigal al (562) 843-18550 al inspector contratado por la ciudad, Craig Wheeler at (949) 375-7251.
Excel Paving Company
Property Notification 5.22.2024 (003)
June 3, 2024
Dear Resident/Business Owner
This letter is to advise you in advance that BANDINI LIBRARY & LEARNING CENTER located at 2269 S. Atlantic Boulevard, Commerce, CA 90040 will undergo MODERNIZATION & REMODELLING from June 10, 2024 to Nov 18, 2024. Work schedule: 7:00AM to 3:00PM, Monday to Friday.
The General Contractor for this project, who has been retained by the City of Commerce, to renovate the Bandini Library & Learning Center, is ARMSTRONG CAL BUILDERS, INC. (3130 E. Willow Street, Signal Hill, CA 90755).
The scope of this project consists of demolition of the interior and exterior walls, addition of new non-bearing interior walls, wall siding, canopy, window openings, roof renovation, and accessibility upgrades for path of travel and parking.
While construction is in progress, a significant portion of the curb along Jardine Street and the alley situated behind the library (north of Atlantic Boulevard) will be utilized for construction purposes. We regret any inconvenience this may cause and assure you that we are committed to completing our work expeditiously to minimize disruption to the community.
For any questions regarding this construction site please call Ammar Altafairji Cell#: 336-456-5566 (Site Superintendent). Thank you for your patience while this work is ongoing. If you have other questions or would like any other information, please do not hesitate to contact us @
3 de junio de 2024
Estimado residente/propietario de negocio
Esta carta es para informarle con anticipación que la BIBLIOTECA Y CENTRO DE APRENDIZAJE BANDINI ubicada en 2269 S. Atlantic Boulevard, Commerce, CA 90040 se someterá a MODERNIZACIÓN Y REMODELACIÓN del 10 de junio de 2024 al 18 de noviembre de 2024. Horario de trabajo de 7:00 am a 3 :00 p.m. de lunes a viernes.
El Contratista General de este proyecto, que ha sido contratado por la Ciudad de Commerce, para renovar la Biblioteca y el Centro de Aprendizaje Bandini, es ARMSTRONG CAL BUILDERS, INC. (3130 E. Willow Street, Signal Hill, CA 90755).
Esta modernización consiste en demoler las paredes interiores y exteriores y reemplazarlas con nuevas paredes, revestimientos, marquesinas, ventanas y mejorar la accesibilidad para el camino de tránsito y mejorar el estacionamiento.
Mientras la construcción esté en progreso, una parte importante de la acera a lo largo de Jardine Street y el callejón situado detrás de la biblioteca (al norte de Atlantic Boulevard) se utilizará para fines de construcción. Lamentamos cualquier inconveniente que esto pueda causar y les aseguramos que estamos comprometidos a completar nuestro trabajo rápidamente para minimizar las molestias a la comunidad.
Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre este sitio de construcción, llame a Ammar Altafairji Cell#: 336-456-5566 (Superintendente del sitio). Gracias por su paciencia mientras este trabajo continúa. Si tiene otras preguntas o desea alguna otra información, no dude en contactarnos @
Slauson Avenue Corridor Improvements
Randolph Corridor Improvements – This is a multi-agency project and the first meeting was held recently with the cities of Bell, Huntington Park, Commerce and the County of Los Angeles. This Project is expected to take approximately 40 months to complete.
I-5 On/Off Ramp Island Improvements – The design consultant is now scheduling a survey to do an onsite layout and design concepts that will be presented to Council for approval.
If you wish to obtain more information, please contact the Public Works Department at 323-722-4805 / 4451.
State of California
Department of Transportation
Traffic Advisory
Date: January 5, 2023
District: 7, Los Angeles and Ventura counties
Upcoming Closures on I-5 in Commerce, Downey and Santa Fe Springs
Los Angeles County — The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is planning multiple overnight closures on Interstate 5 (I-5) in the cities of Commerce, Downey and Santa Fe Springs from Wednesday, Jan. 10, through Sunday morning, Jan. 14.
From Jan. 10 – Jan. 12 beginning as early as 9 p.m. and ending by 5 a.m. the following mornings, and from Jan. 12 – Jan. 14 beginning as early as 11 p.m. and ending by 9 a.m. the following mornings, these closures may take place:
*Northbound and southbound I-605connectors to northbound I-5
* Florence Avenue on-ramp to northbound I-5
* Up to three outside lanes on northbound I-5 from the I-605 interchange to Lakewood Boulevard
The closures will allow crews to safely sawcut, remove and replace broken or deteriorated concrete slabs.
Construction schedules are subject to change due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances. Residents and businesses located near construction may experience noise, vibrations and dust associated with construction activities. Please visit the Caltrans Quickmap <> for the latest road conditions and closures.
This work is part of a pavement rehabilitation project on a 6.5-mile stretch of I-5 from the I-605 interchange to north of Atlantic Boulevard. When completed, the project will extend the life of the pavement, impede roadway deterioration and improve the ride quality for motorists traveling on I-5. The project is anticipated to be complete in early 2025. More information can be found on the project website <> .
Caltrans reminds motorists to be “Work Zone Alert” and “Slow for the Cone Zone.”
The Engineering Services Division is comprised of four sections:
Development Review & Permitting
Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan Project