Commerce, CA
Home MenuIdling Trains/Commercial Vehicles
Report Idling Trains
Report idling trains at railroad crossings and spurs in the City of Commerce:
- BNSF: 1 (800) 832-5452
- Union Pacific: 1 (888) 877-7267
- L.A. Junction (A subsidiary of BNSF): 1 (800) 832-5452
Please provide the following information:
- Street that train is blocking and direction of travel
- Nearest cross street
- Name of railroad company (i.e. BNSF, LA Junction, or Union Pacific)
- Railroad crossing number (if available)
A message from the City of Commerce:
Notice is Hereby Given that the California Air Resources Board (CARB) has set forth regulations regarding the idling of commercial vehicles. Under the requirements of this legislation, CARB is mandated to place “No Idling” signs in the appropriate locations where significant numbers of idling trucks and engines are present. On May 6, 2014, the Commerce City Council authorized the placement of the subject “No Idling” signs at selected locations where significant idling occurs.
To learn more see Public Notice - Anti-Idling Signs