Commerce, CA
Home MenuFrequently Asked Questions
City Attorney
Claim forms are available from the city clerk. Filing a Claim
The city clerk is the agent for service of process for the City of Commerce. Please contact the city clerk at (323) 722-4805 for assistance. City Clerk's Office
No, document subpoenas should be served to the city clerk's office, located at 2535 Commerce Way. City Clerk's Office
City Clerk
Claim forms are available at the Human Resources Department.Filing a Claim
Yes. Those attending a City Council meeting who need Spanish translation can ask at the beginning of the meeting to be given a headset which will allow them to hear a professional interpreter translate the entire meeting.
Commerce Train Station
Economic Development and Planning Department – Housing Division
Please fill out the Home Preservation Grant Program Application and submit to:
Economic Development and Planning Department
Attn: Housing Programs
2535 Commerce Way
Commerce, CA 90040
Employment Referral Services Program
The City does not charge for employment referral services; they are free.
All new clients must schedule an appointment by calling 887-4460.
Please call (323) 887-4460 for information about upcoming events.
A variety of computer classes are offered by the library.
To get a copy of the City's budget, visit the Finance Department's Budget page.
For details on the City's current bids and RFPs, please visit the Purchasing Division.
View details on obtaining a Business License in Commerce.
To apply for a library card, please complete and submit this Patron Registration Form to the City of Commerce Public Library at any of our library locations. You may also register online.
To reserve a computer, please visit PC Reservation Online.
To renew your books online, please visit the Library Catalog & My Account.
Mayor & City Council
A city council member's office hours vary. Please contact the Administration Department at (323) 722-4805 to request an appointment.
Regular City Council meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month in the City Council Chambers located at 5655 Jillson Street.
Our business is holding a special event. How can we invite the mayor and City Council to participate and/or recognize our company?
To invite the mayor and City Council to participate in an upcoming special event, please contact the Administration Department by calling (323) 722-4805. You may also email the request to
Parks & Recreation
For availability, please call the Parks and Recreation Department at (323) 887-4434.
To review available dates for camp, please call the Parks and Recreation Department at (323) 887-4434.
Spray pools are typically open from the end of June through Labor Day weekend. The dates and locations are subject to change, so for current information please call the Brenda Villa Aquatics Center at 323 887-4404 or the Parks and Recreation Administrative Office at (323) 887-4434.
The City of Commerce uses the Standard Industrial Classification System Search to identify and classify permitted and non-permitted uses.
To request a copy of a zoning map, please stop by the Planning Division's public counter within City Hall, located at 2535 Commerce Way, or contact them at (323) 722-4805 ext. 2810 or 2346.
To find out the zoning on a parcel of land, please stop by the Planning Division's public counter within City Hall, located at 2535 Commerce Way, or contact them at (323) 722-4805 ext. 2810 or 2346.
A good description of where the property is located is needed to ensure an accurate response. A street address is preferred. However, if no address exists, an assessor's parcel number (APN) or general location (i.e., major cross streets) may suffice.
Public Information Office
The current issue of the City's newsletter, Commerce Connection is available at City Hall, libraries, parks and city facilities. If you have any questions, please contact the Public Information Office at (323)722-4805. You can also view the newsletters online. Commerce Connection
The City's newsletter, Commerce Connection, does not accept ads. However, there are two local newspapers that do:
The Los Angeles Wave
(323) 556-5720The City is served by two local weekly newspapers:
The Los Angeles Wave
(323) 556-5720Does the City print obituaries in the Commerce Connection newsletter for residents who have recently passed away?
Except for City officials who have passed away, the City does not print obituaries. To request that a council meeting adjourn in the deceased person’s memory, please contact the City Clerk’s office at (323) 722-4805 ext. 2253. If you would like to submit an obituary to the local newspapers, please contact The Los Angeles Wave at (323) 556-5720.
You may obtain a copy of the bus schedule by printing from this website or contacting our office at (323) 887-4419.
The City of Commerce Dial-A-Ride service is a shared ride program, available to all City of Commerce residents that are age 50 or over, or to residents of any age who have a qualifying disability. You can apply for the service by completing a form at the Transportation Department and providing us with your Commerce Resident Card. If under the age of 50 years, please provide a doctor’s letter stating the need for transportation assistance. Dial-A-Ride Services
Each transit bus is equipped with two bike racks that are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Bikes on Buses Brochure
The City maintains a Vendor Database for up to one year that is used as a resource in locating prospective vendors. To add your business or firm to the Vendor Database, simply complete the Vendor Information Form. On the form, indicate the service or product your business can supply to the City. Vendor information can also be faxed to (323) 838-4243 or mailed to:
City of Commerce
2535 Commerce Way
Commerce, CA 90040
Attn: Purchasing Division / Finance DepartmentNet 30 days from receipt of an original invoice referencing the City’s purchase order number. All invoices require a purchase order number and are to be mailed to the attention of Accounts Payable, Finance Department, at:
City of Commerce
2535 Commerce Way
Commerce, CA 90040
Attn: Accounts Payable / Finance DepartmentThe City attempts to always “buy Commerce” first. The City accepts the lowest responsible proposal. While the City of Commerce makes every effort to utilize as many vendors as possible, it does not guarantee that your company will be contacted. All local companies are required to have a W-9 Form filled out and filed with our Accounts Payable Division and a current City of Commerce Business License. Business license information may be obtained by contacting the Business License Division of the Finance Department at (323) 722-4805 ext. 2525.
In competitive purchasing situations, the City is required to accept the lowest responsible proposal. In determining the lowest responsible proposal, factors such as price, references, years of service, direct manufacturer, adherence to proposal specifications, quality of merchandise, workmanship proposed, timeliness in delivery or work schedule and other factors identified in the specifications are all taken into consideration. The City reserves the right to reject any proposal, reject or delete any one part of a proposal and accept other parts and to make award to the lowest responsible vendor as the interests of the City may require.
Do I have to comply with state and federal mandates in my own business if I wish to do business with the City?
Yes. Certain state and federal guidelines require contractors who work for recipients of state and/or federal grant funding (such as the City of Commerce) must also comply with various personnel laws and regulations (e.g., prevailing wage). Proposal packages and contracts generated by the City will fully identify specific requirements that are pertinent to a particular proposal and job.
Yes. Purchase order numbers are issued for all purchases made by the City. Vendors doing business with the City should request a purchase order number from staff at the time an order is placed to ensure payment is made in a timely manner.
All Community Development Department projects exceeding $50,000 will be advertised in the following trade papers: Bluebook, Dodge Greensheet, BidAmerica, Construction Market Data, Local Newspaper.
Smaller projects for the Community Development Department are placed on a job list and updated weekly. Although every effort is made to contact vendors for quotes when applicable, vendors are advised to keep abreast of upcoming Public Works Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) projects by referencing the trade papers and periodically viewing the City’s website where current bids and Requests for Proposals (RFP’s) are posted. Information regarding upcoming Community Development maintenance projects can be obtained directly at the Community Development Department counter in City Hall.
Every effort is made to utilize the Vendor Database whenever quotes are required. However, each department supervisor also maintains a vendor contact list. Vendors who are interested in conducting business with the City are encouraged to contact the department to which they can provide services and/or products. All departments can be reached at (323) 722-4805.
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